Elevator Pitch for Decorative Painters

Business Coaching Call with TobeyRenee - The Decorative Painting Academy - Elevator Pitch Part 1

Slow summer season and staying positive @ 0:00

Tobey acknowledges that the summer season is typically slower for decorative painting projects, but encourages the group to not get frustrated if they haven't booked many jobs recently. She reminds them that it's normal for business to slow down during the summer as people vacation and take time off.

Leveraging Instagram reels for viral growth @ 4:39

Tobey shares an example of a recent Instagram reel she posted that unexpectedly went viral, gaining over 20,000 views. She explains how she used a lesser-known song and turned the volume down to avoid copyright issues, while still allowing the algorithm to recognize the audio. She encourages the group to try this tactic and provides the song name for them to use.

Issues with Meta/Facebook payouts for creators @ 9:20

Louisa raises the issue of black creators not getting paid properly by Meta/Facebook for their content. Tobey shares her own frustrations, explaining that she has repeatedly tried to set up her payout information but the system keeps resetting, preventing her from accessing the money Meta owes her. The group discusses the challenges creators face in getting the compensation they are owed.

Upcoming artist residency and sharing insights @ 13:25

Tobey excitedly shares that she has been selected for a 4-6 week artist residency in Massachusetts. She plans to participate in the residency while still hosting the group's regular Monday calls, potentially even joining from her on-site studio to give the group a tour and share her experiences.

Developing and practicing an "elevated speech" @ 19:51

Tobey leads the group in a role-playing exercise to practice crafting and delivering an "elevated speech" - a concise, confident introduction of one's decorative painting business and services. She provides sample scripts covering different specialties like faux finishes, murals, gilding, and color consulting. The group discusses the importance of speaking with authority and tailoring the speech to the specific audience and situation.

Business Coaching Call with TobeyRenee - The Decorative Painting Academy - Elevator Pitch Part 2

Slow summer season and tips to stay busy @ 0:00

Tobey acknowledges the slow summer season, noting that business typically picks up in late August. She provides several money-saving tips to help members stay productive during the slower months, including practicing on sample boards, investing in quality brushes and rollers, choosing the right base coats, and using household items as tools.

Repairing wood floors with Briwax @ 4:38

Tobey recommends using Briwax to repair scratches and damage to wood floors, demonstrating how it can be easily applied and absorbed into the wood to restore the finish.

Repurposing household items as painting tools @ 6:24

Tobey encourages members to explore using repurposed household items like wallpaper brushes, plastic knives, and hotel keys as painting tools to save money on specialized equipment.

Cleaning and reusing plaster @ 7:16

Tobey shares a technique for cleaning and reusing old plaster by straining it through pantyhose, allowing members to extend the life of their materials.

Importance of creating parallel samples @ 8:45

Tobey emphasizes the value of creating parallel samples to test techniques and colors before applying them to a project, to ensure the desired results.

Protecting floors when using Venetian plaster @ 9:33

Tobey advises members to remove tape and clean the work area before burnishing Venetian plaster, to ensure a smooth and consistent finish.

Recap of money-saving tips @ 17:07

Tobey provides a quick recap of the various money-saving tips covered during the call, encouraging members to try the Briwax technique in particular.

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