DPA Business Coaching Call Working om a DPA Project - Hands On Experience
Business Coaching Call with TobeyRenee - The Decorative Painting Academy
Recap of recent project @ 0:00
Tobey, Kenya, and Ashley discussed their experiences working on a recent decorative painting project together. They shared insights on the challenges of working on a wall with complex features like doors and windows, and how the hands-on practice helped build their confidence and skills.
New project: Gold leaf wall @ 19:41
Tobey shared details on a new project she is working on, which involves creating a gold leaf design on a wall. She demonstrated the process of applying the gold leaf glue, laying the gold leaf, and then removing the excess to reveal the final design.
Distinguishing gold leaf from gold foil @ 32:18
Tobey clarified the key differences between gold leaf and gold foil, explaining that gold leaf is a true metallic finish while gold foil is more of a shimmery effect. She advised using gold leaf when a high-end, luxurious look is desired, and using gold foil as a base layer for other techniques.
Tobey's upcoming artist residency @ 48:28
Tobey shared the exciting news that she has been selected for an artist residency with the James Weldon Johnson Foundation. This will require her to be away for a couple of weeks, so she discussed plans to have Regina cover the next group coaching call on June 17th.
Recap and next steps @ 52:05
Tobey encouraged the group to reach out with any business-related questions they have, as she wants to support their individual journeys. She reiterated the upcoming coaching call schedule and emphasized the importance of continuing to create and showcase their work.